5 Ways to #ShopLocal for the Favorite Geek in your Life

lo_ecqeiOur thanks to our good friend Daniela Perallon for this week’s guest article!  Daniela is the Marketing & PR Manager with Arts Huntsville, where she is one of the biggest fans of local Huntsville artists.  Daniela is a proud alum of the University of Florida, and has a personal passion for still photography, videography, and fresh, local food. Daniela has long admired all that the local arts, entertainment and culture has to offer.  In this article, she tells us about all the awesome opportunities to pick up local art on your holiday shopping rounds!

Huntsville is as creative as it is geeky. Local artists are drawing inspiration from their favorite fandoms and this holiday season you can find something for the geek in your life, no matter where their allegiance lies.


floatLocal artist “Float” says it didn’t take long for him to turn his love for painting into an outlet for his favorite fandoms. From Star Wars to Star Trek, he’s an equal opportunity enabler when it comes to creating unique pieces of art for every obsessive fan.

“I generally think of my pop culture work as love letters to all the fandom’s I grew up with,” said Float. “I try and hit as many different fandoms as I can, because I love that moment when people see their favorite character or show represented in a new way.”

You can purchase work from Float through his website or by reaching out to him on Facebook. Float consistently shares photos of his latest work on Instagram.

Instagram:  Instagram
Facebook: Facebook.
Website: website

The Arts Huntsville Gallery @ the VBC

r-f-daniel-ah-gallery-at-the-vbcIf that past year is any indication, it’s safe to say we’re never going to outgrow Pokemon. You can catch ‘em all with four unique Pokemon paintings by artist R.F. Daniel, on display and for sale in the
Arts Huntsville Gallery at the VBC.

Much like the game that sent people running into strangers’ backyards and Burger Kings, R.F. Daniel’s Pokemon pop up in unlikely settings. Paintings can be purchased at the Arts Huntsville office located at 700 Monroe St. Suite 2.

Check ‘em out here: Arts Huntsville Gallery at the VBC

ChromAddict Studios

carrie-alderfer_-chromaddict-handpainted_dalekCarrie Alderfer is a self-described Trekkie, but thanks to some dear friends who are “fierce Whovians” she’s created quite the collection of Dr. Who themed ornaments, including a now limited-edition faceless Doctor ornament. This year she’s still battling between whether she’ll add a Weeping Angel or a Cyberman to her collection. Carrie also offers Dr. Who themed Paint-Along classes for those who want to create something uniquely their own.  Carrie is also offering a slew of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and holiday deals. You can check those out on her website.

Studio #: 2025
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chromaddictstudio/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chromaddictstudio
Website: https://chromaddict.com/

The ARTery

the-artery-adam-lovelessStep inside the The ARTery artist market to discover everything from fine art to craftwork and everything in between. Metal sculptures by Adam Loveless could be the perfect gift for the Nightmare Before Christmas or Mario fanatic in your life. Festering Felt fashions your favorite characters out of felt – from Wolverine and Mystique to Catwoman and the Joker.

Find them at 816 Wellman Ave NE
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheARTeryHSV/?fref=ts
Website: http://www.thearteryhsv.com/

Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment

Lowe Mill - Meg Krampf.jpgBy now Lowe Mill should be a permanent stop on any gift-giving shopping trip. With more than 100 artist studios to explore, you can find everything from paintings, pottery, glasswork, quiltwork to jewelry. Many of these artists are pretty geeky themselves, and it shows. Here are just a few artists who are creating works inspired by their favorite fandoms.

Erin Michael – Studio 131. With names like the Amethyst Prime and the Freeze Ray Blaster Ring, it doesn’t take long to realize artist Erin Michael isn’t afraid to let her geek flag fly. Specializing in chainmail, sterling silver and stones, her attention grabbing jewelry is as fun as it is stunning.
Emmie Mayne – Studio 129. Emmie creates cosplay garb and accessories using new technology and traditional crafting techniques.
Meghan Krampf – New to the Mill, you can find these book binders on the third floor. Some of their more popular items include The Hungers Games and the Harry Potter series. 
Deb D’Zio – Studio 1022. Described as a “nerdy lady who makes nerdy quilts”, Deb is another artist new to the Mill. Find her on the first floor of the North Wing and discover her colorful and quirky quilts.
Green Pea Press – Studio 122 and 111. T-shirts and poster designs that aren’t afraid to be punny.  (Geek Out HSV Editor’s Note – They also are the press behind our Rocket’s Red Glare shirts!)

Huntsville Museum of Art

HSV Museum_FREE-Suit-for-You_Dave Laro.jpgThis is a way to not only shop local but also shop for experiences to share with family and friends. Hang with the Superheroes and get pangs of nostalgia at two exhibits currently at Huntsville Museum of Art. My Hero: Contemporary Art & Superhero Action is on display until December 11
th, and features work by over 50 international artists, including painting, illustration, photography, sculpture, mixed media and video, that celebrates and re-envisions the lives of iconic superheroes.

What’s Up Doc? Showcases the animation artwork of Chuck Jones, best known for bringing us that waskely wabbit Bugs Bunny. This Smithsonian traveling exhibition reveals the creative genius behind some of the most enduringly popular cartoons and animated films of all time.

The Museum Store sells unique gifts featuring items based on both of these exhibits.

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